A. Deadlift (5x5)
@ 70% (tempo 3011) (3 second decent, 0 rest on the floor, 1 second up, 1 second hold at the top) B. 10 RFT, alternating with a partner: 15 Wallballs 15 KBS (24kg/16kg)
A.1.: Snatch Grip Push Press from behind the neck (5x2)
A.2.: Snatch Deadlift (3x3) 3 seconds up and down. Focus on perfect posture. B.: “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds for max reps 1:00 Wall Balls 20lb/14lb 1:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP) (35kg/30kg) 1:00 Box Jumps 24"/20" 1:00 Push Press (35kg/30kg) 1:00 Row for calories 1:00 Rest In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. A.1.: Back Squat (5x5 @ 75%)
A.2.: Back Squat (5x5 @ 85%) for A.1. and A.2.: minimal rest between sets, 20 min overall cap B. 3 RFT: 400m Run 25 Burpees 15 Push Press (40kg/30kg) "Team Saturday"
Teams have 45 minutes to complete the following: 6.000 Meter Row 600 Double Unders 1 Mile Farmer’s Walk (53/24kg) 600 Abmat situps 600 Air Squats 500 V-Ups 200 Bar Over Burpees 100 Partner Deadlifts (100/85kg) Equally split the class into 2 or 3 groups or can be accomplished with 1 group. (6-8 person teams work best. Adjust movements if needed.) Athletes must determine the best way to complete all the movements within the timeframe. Anything and everything goes. Just get the reps done as a team. A.: 2 Pause Back Squats + 2 Back Squats
EMOM 10 minutes @75-80% (use the same weight as on 17 May) B.: Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds: 21 Box Jumps 24/20″ 18 Wall Balls 20/14 15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 12 Burpees A.
EMOM 10 minutes 3 Push Press (3 sec pause at the top. Start at 65% and increase on even minutes.) B. 4 Rounds: 7 Clean and Jerks (80kg/55kg) 14 Toes to Bar 21 Box Jumps (24"/20") A.
3 DL + 2 Hang Clean + 1 TnG (Touch and Go) Clean. 15 min. to max out this complex. B. For time: 15 Hang Power Cleans (60/42kg) 15 Ring Dips 400 Meter Run 12 Hang Power Cleans 12 Ring Dips 400 Meter Run 9 Hang Power Cleans 9 Ring Dips 400 Meter Run (Compare score to 1 Jan 2016) A.
15 minutes to build to a 1RM OHS B. 21 Power Snatch (60/40kg) 21 Burpees over Bar 15 OHS (60/40kg) 15 Burpees over Bar 9 Squat Snatches (60/40kg) 9 Burpees over Bar A.
EMOM 10 minutes 2 Pause Front Squats + 1 Front Squat @75-80% B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Front squat (70/45kg) – no Rack Pull ups Outdoor WOD
When: 10:30am Where: Rosenstein Park at the parking lot of the "Naturkunde Museum am Löwentor" S-Bahn: Nordbahnhof U-Bahn: Nordbahnhof or Löwentor See you there! |
CrossFit Stuttgart is
now using WODIFY. Members who use Facebook should join the CrossFit Stuttgart Athletes group. Note that this group is for members only! If we don't recognize your name we will not approve your request to join the group. If you use a different Facebook name than your actual name, email us and let us know.
Dezember 2016