When asked why the Benchmark WODs are named after women, Coach Glassman replied "Anything that left you flat looking up at the sky asking ‘what just happened to me?’ deserved a female name.”
The Sunday WOD will be a Benchmark day. The first Athlete to arrive will have to honor of pulling the work out of our Benchmark Tumbler. Are you prepared for the unknown and the unknowable? Test yourself!
Halloween WOD:
Costumes are encouraged, a small prize will be given to the athlete with the best costume. Team WOD: “World War Z” Create teams of 4. Half of the team does the Zombie WOD, the other half does the Defender WOD, then they switch. At the conclusion, all 4 team members should have done both WODS. Both WODS are done for time, and then added together. Shortest time wins. All exercises in both WODS are done with one partner working as long as they can, while the other rests, in succession, until they get each task accomplished. Zombies: • “Walk Like the Dead”: 30 wall walks • “Grave Bursters” : 60 burpees • “Brain Toss” : 60 Wall Ball (9/6) • “Blood on the Bar” : 60 Pull ups Defenders: • “Haul Off the Dead” : 200 M Partner Carry (Switch off) • “Suppressing Fire” : 200 Double Unders • “Jump High or Die” : 100 Box Jumps (24/20") • “Skull Crushers” : 30 Tire Flips OR 60 Deadlifts (185/135 lbs) A. Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-90% Goal is to groove perfect footwork and mechanics with a relatively high percentage of your 1-RM in these sets. Do not progress the load if your mechanics falter. B. 5 rounds for time, of: 10 Single-Arm KB/DB P. Snatch (32/24) 20 Cals on Rower or 200 m run C. Two sets of: Behind the Back Wrist Curls with DBs or empty barbells x 20-30 reps Rest as needed A. Three sets, not for time, of:
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 8-10 reps Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5-8 reps @ 21X1 L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds B. EMOM for 24 minutes (8 sets): Minute 1 – 6 Burpees + 6 Pull-ups* Minute 2 – 8 Push Press (60/40) – taken from ground) Minute 3 – 10 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells (you choose load) *Perform Chest to Bars if you are proficient at chin over. A. Every other minute on the minute for 16 minutes-
Back Squat x 4 start at 60% and add weight each round B. 3 Rounds for time of: 10 Ring dips 20 Pull-ups 10 Thrusters (60/40) A. 10 EMOM -
Power Clean + Pause Front Squat @75% 1RM Clean B. For time: 30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) 40 Toes to Bar 30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) A.
Clean Grip Overhead hold 3x 30 secs @ max weight possible B. 3 Rounds for time: Run 400 meters 21 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (35/25) 12 Burpee over the bar When asked why the Benchmark WODs are named after women, Coach Glassman replied "Anything that left you flat looking up at the sky asking ‘what just happened to me?’ deserved a female name.”
The Sunday WOD will be a Benchmark day. The first Athlete to arrive will have to honor of pulling the work out of our Benchmark Tumbler. Are you prepared for the unknown and the unknowable? Test yourself! A.
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes: Back Squat x 2 reps @ 90% Remember, this is 90% of your last successfully tested 1-RM – not a hypothetical number you think that you might be able to squat. B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 4 Hang Squat Cleans (80/50kg) 8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups Rest 4 minutes, and then… C. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 10 Toes to Bar 20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg) 30 Double-Unders Rest 4 minutes, and then… D. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs The Card Game:in teams of 2-4 players….
Each team receives a deck of cards. The object of the game is to see which team can go through the entire deck of cards the fastest. Hearts=Burpees Diamonds=Pull Ups Clubs=Box Jumps Spades=KBS The number value represents the number of reps. Face cards =10 reps ACE=120 reps Joker=200 M Sprint When the Joker is pulled everyone must run the 200 M . |
CrossFit Stuttgart is
now using WODIFY. Members who use Facebook should join the CrossFit Stuttgart Athletes group. Note that this group is for members only! If we don't recognize your name we will not approve your request to join the group. If you use a different Facebook name than your actual name, email us and let us know.
Dezember 2016