400m run 10 Front Squats (35/50) 5 wall balls 15 Back Squats 5 wall balls 20 OH wallball alternating reverse lunges 5 wall balls 15 Back Squats 5 wall balls 10 Front Squats 400m run Cashout: 30 chest to OH situps with wall ball
Clean technique then “Broken-Down Elizabeth” 5 rounds: 5-3-1 Cleans (45/60) Ring Dips (rest exactly 30 seconds between rounds) Cashout @ Mitte: 3 sets of 10 OH plate lunges (Not for time) Cashout @ Weilimdorf: 3 (20m) OH yolk walks MITTE & WEILIMDORF
Deadlifts (every 2 minutes) Set 1: 5 reps (start around 70-75% of 1RM) Set 2: 3 reps (add weight) Set 3: 1 reps (add weight) Set 4: 5 reps (at Set 2 weight) Set 5: 3 reps (at Set 3 weight) Set 6: 1 reps (add weight)(should be 95-100% 1RM) then (score for total reps) AMRAP 7 min: 3 Burpees 5 Pullups 7 Air squats rest 1 min, then continue with AMRAP 5 min: 9 Hand Release Pushups 11 Double Unders @WEILIMDORF: athletes may choose to substitute 5 pullups for one rope climb Advanced: AMRAP 11 min then 8 min MITTE & WEILIMDORF:
Back squat 3x3 Then from the ground For time: 10 backsquats (60/45) 400m run 20 backsquats 50/35 400m run 40 backsquats 40/25 400m run MITTE & WEILIMDORF:
Candlestick & hand stand technique Then 3 rounds (not for time): 10 candlesticks 30 second handstand holds Then Death by pull-ups MITTE & WEILIMDORF
Deadlifts technique, work up to METCON weight 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (65/90) Jumping air squats 100m run/walk with plate OH MITTE & WEILIMDORF:
Clean and Jerk technique EMOTM for 21 min: Min 1: 5 G2OH (50/35) Min 2: 15 pushups Min 3: 15 KB SWINGS Cash out : 4 (30 second) barbell OH hold (use challenging weight) MITTE & WEILIMDORF:
OHS technique, then 15 min: 3 rounds: 7-5-3 OH squats 35/50 Ring Rows (put away bar) Then AMRAP remaining time: 6 alternating KB snatch to OHS 12 double Under MITTE & WEILIMDORF:
Clean technique then Five rounds (20 min): 45 seconds OH plate lunges (5/10) 15 seconds rest 45 seconds HP cleans (30/40) 15 seconds rest 45 seconds push press 15 seconds rest 45 seconds lateral bar burpees 15 seconds rest score is total number of reps Advanced: 7 rounds (28 min) |
CrossFit Stuttgart is
now using WODIFY. Members who use Facebook should join the CrossFit Stuttgart Athletes group. Note that this group is for members only! If we don't recognize your name we will not approve your request to join the group. If you use a different Facebook name than your actual name, email us and let us know.
Dezember 2016