A.1. 4X5 Tempo Ring Dips (3313) First 2 reps are tempo (3 count in all parts --3 seconds down, 3 pause, 1 seconds up, 3 seconds pause)..... last 3 reps are regular ring dips – rest 90 sec. A.1.---rest---A.2---rest = 1 set A.2.: 5RM Behind the Neck Push Press (4 x 5 reps) Jerk Grip, Behind the Neck, Push Press, -rest 90 sec. Work to a 5RM through these 4 sets. No redo-sies!! Only 4 sets.. B.: Teams of 3 complete AMRAP 20 of the following triplet: 10 Squat cleans, 70/45 20 Knees 2 Elbow 30 Deadlifts 70/45 Athlete 1 and 2 start on the triplet (one athlete working at a time). Athlete 3 starts on a rower and completes 500m Row before switching with a teammate. One teammate must always be rowing, and you must switch every 500m. Score is total rounds + reps of the triplet.
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Dezember 2016